Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday Eye Candy - Denmark

April has passed in a rush. What did I knit?

Here is the list of WiPs I started the month with:

1. Kells
2. Crochet cardigan
3. Starmore afghan
4. Diamond upon Diamond
5. Mondnacht stole

And here is what I finished this month:

1. Starmore Afghan
2. 3 pairs of socks for myself
3. socks for my mother

Altogether approx. 400 g of yarn from my stash (the Afghan doesn't count as I counted the patches...)!

No yarn purchases were made.

I made slow progress on these projects:

2. Kells
3. Crochet cardigan
4. Diamond upon Diamond

I started as new projects:

1. Clapotis from Wollmeise
2. Seraphim shawl for ISE 6

Thus, I'll start May with 5 WiPs. I plan to work on everything but the Mondnacht stole. I suppose it will have to wait another month to be picked up.

Der April verflog im Nu und was habe ich gestrickt?

Der Monat begann mit diesen WiPs:

1. Kells
2. Crochet cardigan
3. Starmore afghan
4. Diamond upon Diamond
5. Mondnacht stole

Zu FO's wurden:

1. Starmore Afghan
2. Socken für meine Mutter
3. 3 Paar Socken für mich

Insgesamt habe ich ca. 400 g Wolle verarbeitet, aus meinem Vorrat! Keine Neueinkäufe diesen Monat.

Fortschritte haben diese Wips gemacht:
1. Kells
2. Crochet cardigan
3. Diamond upon Diamond

Neue Projekte:

1. Clapotis aus Wollmeise
2. Seraphim für ISE 6

Ich beginne den Mai also mit 5 WiPs und plane an allen außer der Mondnacht Stola zu arbeiten, die muß noch einen Monat warten.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New book and new socks

I finished a pair of socks this week. They are knit from the Regia Fassett yarn Christa gave me for Christmas. I really love the color. This yarn doesn't need a stitch pattern. They are beautiful in their simplicity.

And while I was looking for an out-of-print book for my daughter on Jokers booklooker, I found this out-of-print book that I had had on my wish-list while it was still in-print. It didn't take me much thinking before I pressed "order". It is such a lovely book full of paintings related to the fibre arts.

Diese Woche sind meine Fassett-Socken fertig geworden. Mir gefallen die Socken ausnehmend gut, und die Wolle benötigt auch gar kein Extramuster.

Außerdem bin ich bei Jokers booklooker auf einen Anbieter für "Frauen die nie den Faden verlieren" gestoßen, als ich nach einem anderen Buch, das auch nicht mehr erhältlich ist, suchte. Dieses Buch stand auf meiner Wunschliste seit seinem Erscheinen, leider lag es aber weder auf dem Geburtstagstisch noch unterm Weihnachtsbaum. Als ich dann beschloß es mir eben selbst zu kaufen, hieß es, es sei nicht mehr verfügbar. Um so glücklicher bin ich, nun doch noch dieses herrliche Buch über Gemälde handarbeitender Frauen mein Eigen nennen zu dürfen.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Anita Shreve, Wedding in December

Is adultery inevitable? The answer to this question according to Mrs Shreve is "Yes".

In her latest novel, A Wedding in December, seven forty-somethings meet at a cottage to celebrate the wedding of Bill and Bridget. The seven have been friends at Kidds Academy, but then hardly ever met again during the past 27 years. Their meeting is overshadowed by the death of Steven who drowned a couple of days prior to their graduation from Kidds, half of the group feels responsible for his death.

The narrative style is very fluent and takes you in and I enjoyed the novel for at least 2/3rds of the book, but was very disappointed by the end.

Ultimately, all of the characters - only exception the gay pianist and his partner - have committed adultery or commit adultery during those 3 days.

Nora was the reason why her husband left his family, as she says herself, there is a lot of pressure on the woman that sacrifice is made for and no woman is worth that sacrifice. And still, both Bill and Bridget have been previously married. Bridget was left by her husband a couple of years ago for another woman, Bill left his wife for Bridget. Bridget had been left by Bill for his first wife.

Harrison has always been in love with Nora, who back at Kidds was his best-friend Stevens girlfriend, now Harrison is married with two boys. They are the reasons he won't leave his wife for Nora.

Agnes, another of the characters, writes a novel about the Hallifax explosion and her main character marries the wrong person, too, because his true love won't marry him. At the end of that novel he will meet her again and commit adultery with her.

As much as I love the idea of there being "your true partner" out there, I found the novel very diasappointing, because of its treatment of the betrayed partners. The rectification for the main characters seemed to be, that they had just married the wrong person - for a couple of reasons. Really, their first love was their true love. Though this reasoning may portray the reasoning when you fall for someone else, I would have wished for one character to remain true to his partner.

Although, it is briefly discussed how Bridget felt when her husband left her and what Agnes goes through who has been a mistress for 27 years, the portrayal of betrayed partners is too shallow. In addition, the novel leaves the impression that your first marriages have to end in divorce because you will have chosen the wrong partner in your twenties, early thirties. The years of marriage that lie in between seem to just be swept away. Only reason to stay with your partner after 40: kids.

Now, it may be a fact, that many marriages fail and end in divorce around 40, but is it really inevitable and is it inevitable that the spouse is left? Is the "new (old) love" really always the better one?

You can read more about it here.

Monday, April 28, 2008


This was the last FO before Christmas !!!!!

My son is in a real Harry Potter craze at present. He reads the books, watches the films and listens to the audiobooks. Thus, I had to knit him a Gryffindor scarf. He picked the yarn and colors himself – there was no burgundy. I followed the instructions for the scarf in Charmed Knits and was actually astonished how long it took to finish this. My son, however, was even more surprised to find it under the Christmas tree.

Pattern: Alison Hansel, Charmed Knits. Projects for Fans of Harry Potter.

Yarn: atelier zitron lifestyle, 1 ball yellow, 2.5 balls red

Needle size: 3 mm

Length: 150 cm

Dies war das letzte FO vor Weihnachten!!!!!

Mein Sohn war und ist im Harry Potter Fieber und da konnte ich nicht widerstehen, ihm einen Gryffindorschal nach der Anleitung aus Charmed Knits zu stricken. Er hat die Wolle und Farben selbst ausgewählt – weinrot gab es nicht. Ich war erstaunt, wie lange es dauerte bis der Schal fertig war. Mein Sohn, jedoch, war erstaunt, dass er ihn schon unterm Weihnachtsbaum fand!!!

Wolle: atelier zitron lifestyle, 1 Knäuel gelb, 2.5 Knäuel rot

Anleitung: Alison Hansel, Charmed Knits. Projects for Fans of Harry Potter.

Nadelstärke: 3 mm

Länge: 150 cm